16 kw(2,000 kW/month) system with Batteries(20kw) & Invertors for $22,500 Complete and Installed. Will support 3 to 5 bedroom homes with Pool. 8 kW Systems for $13,500 Complete with 10kW Battery and 8 kW Inverter.
10 years of warranty for all equipment with 24 hour for emergencies and 48 to 72 hours for warranty work. Labor is Free for year 1 and $50 Trip Charge with 1 warranty work. Additional charges can apply. Panels are Tier 1 and should last 25+ years, Inverters should last 15 to 20 years, Batteries are 6,000 cycles and should last 16 years plus.
After Warranty: Ja Solar 600kW Solar Panels $200. Batteries are $2,140(10kw+), Megarevo 8kW Inverters $3,100, $50 Trip Charge.
You will have phone app to monitor system.
Monthly Maintenance available for $50/month with a quarterly technitian coming out to clean and tighten panels for increased efficiency. Monthly review of statistics on web app.
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Providing Reasonable Rates and Leasing for Complete Solar needs with Tier 1 Solar Panels with efficiency rating and 25 year life span, Wall Mount 6,000 cycle Batteries 16 years+ and Inverters with 10 to 20 years life expectancy
As a Roatan Homeowner, provide reasonable rates and great warranty work. Brad is available 7 days a week for your phone call and will answer phone or get back in 2 to 4 hours for all issues.
Carlos is available 7 days per week for warranty work and lives full time in Roatan and will have monitor app to review issues on your Solar System.
Allow Homeowners the ability to have reasonable rates for energy along with steady flow of power with minimal disruption. Greener solutions with reasonable controlled rates on Roatan.
We want to bring a Solar Solution to everyone at reasonable rates, reliable, and good customer service