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As a Homeowner, serving all of Roatan and Utilla. Great Warranty of 10 years with high end products that can last 10 to 20 years on Battery and Inverter and Json Solar panels 30 to 40 years. We have service for emergencies with in 24 hours and warranty work with 48 to 72 hours. Reasonable rates to fit your budget including leasing with great customer service.

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Your Trusted Energy Partner

Financial Savings

Save money with good quality Solar Products directly from China. Our connections in China allow for reasonable prices with past business experience in Shanghai and Shenzhen

Well Experienced

Our Certified Electritian/Solar Installer has over 100 Solar Installations in Roatan and Utilla with over 20 years experience. Carlos is born and raised in Guatemala and has been living in Roatan for over 8 years. Carlos has an Electrical Engineering Degree and has worked with Vegas Electric for 3 years and Elite Solar.

About us

Virtual Roatan Solar

Brad Flom has been living on Roatan in Turtle Crossing for 2 years. The last 25 years have been running a Software & Web Design business for the Hotel Industry with over 350 active clients in the United States.

Carlos was born in Guatemala and has been living in Roatan with his family for the past 8 years. Carlos also has an Electrical Engineering Degree. He has his own business with a crew of 5 electritians who are Bi-Linguil and proffessional. Carlos has done over 100 solar installations and repairs. Carlos worked for Vegas Electric for 3 years and has done work for Elite Solar.

Tier 1 Equipment from Shanghai Warranty work 10 years guarenteed Service work after 10 years with Reasonable Replacement Rates Full control of System through Phone Apps