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As a Homeowner, serving all of Roatan and Utilla. Great Warranty of 10 years with high end products that can last 10 to 20 years on Battery and Inverter and Json Solar panels 30 to 40 years. We have service for emergencies with in 24 hours and warranty work with 48 to 72 hours. Reasonable rates to fit your budget including leasing with great customer service.

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How much solar energy is will a 16kw system provide

16kW solar systems: A great size for large homes & businesses
16kW solar systems are a great system size for homes with high levels of energy consumption or businesses with small to middling energy needs – provided that they have sufficient roof space to install one. Production is 63 kWh per day 22,995 kWh annually.

The battery is capable of holding a little over 20kw of energy comprising (2)10 Kw batteries which should be enough for overnight for 3 to 5 bedrooms of Air Condioning, some appliances, and lights.

In states where the peak sun hours range between 3.5 and 4 hours(Roatan 4 to 6 hours increase 20%), a solar system with a capacity of 16kW can generate approximately 1,680 kWh of electricity monthly, which averages to about 56 kWh per day. It's important to note that peak sun hours differ from regular daylight hours.

Average kWh usage for a 2,000 square foot home: 1,325 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 3,000 square foot home: 1,840 kWh. Average kWh usage for a 4,000 square foot home: 2.200 kWh. 15KWh system should be good for 2,000sq./feet to 3,000+sq/feet foot home

We try and get you in for $1.25 to $1.50 depending on home size. KWh when most companies charge $2 to $4 per Wh. Based on Annual Conaumption

How long does a 16kW system last?

How Long Will A 16kW Solar System Last? Like most solar systems, the average life span of a 16kW system is 10 to 30 years. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, solar panels face an average efficiency drop of 0.8% each year. batteries 16 years. Inverters 10 to 20 years

According to the latest estimates, an average American home will use around 30 kilowatt-hours of electricity a day [6]. This means that a 10kW solar array would require just three peak sun hours a day to guarantee an adequate supply of electricity to the owner of an average-sized residence.

16kW solar systems are a great system size for homes with high levels of energy consumption or businesses with small to middling energy needs – provided that they have sufficient roof space to install one